Someone great once said that if a company is not on the Internet now, it does not exist at all. The presence of a business on the Internet requires proper support. Information security, systematization of routine processes, optimization of resources are just a few of the tasks that companies face in the web space. Volmax Group solves them in the most effective way. On the company’s website you can order IT outsourcing services and purchase licensed software on favorable terms.
For reference . Volmax Group is a leading expert in the field of IT outsourcing services in Kazakhstan. The company has been actively developing in the segment for many years, having an impeccable reputation as a reliable partner and official supplier of licensed software.
Range of services
Volmax Group comprehensively solves any issues related to servicing computers, office equipment, servers, network equipment. The company works with private users and the corporate sector. Here are the key areas in which services are provided:
- Information support. Competent staff will be happy to provide subject-specific advice.
- Software sales. It is possible to purchase a license for Team Viewer, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, GeoStatus, ESET NOD32, Microsoft software products, and other popular software.
- IT outsourcing. The company will fully or partially take over the functions of the in-house IT department, reducing the costs of its maintenance.
Impressive practical experience and relevant competencies allow the company to solve problems of any complexity and scale.
Why choose Volmax Group
The company has a number of features that distinguish it from similar companies in Kazakhstan. Here are the key advantages:
- professionalism – the staff consists only of certified employees with proven qualifications and impressive practical experience;
- productivity – with the same volume of work, IT outsourcing services cost the client on average 25% less than maintaining a full-time IT department;
- a full range of specialized and related services – software can be purchased or rented, information and technical support is provided;
- commitment to innovation – actively uses cloud technologies such as Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Azure;
- adequate price – the company pursues a balanced pricing policy.
If you need an antivirus license or need IT infrastructure administration, Volmax Group is the best choice.