How to choose a quality knife?

When looking at a large selection of kitchen knives, it is almost impossible to make the right choice right away. Everyone knows that such a thing is intended for use for a very long time, and no one wants to throw away a knife every month. If you make the right choice right away, you can be sure that in the future your hand will get used to using such a product and you will no longer want to change such kitchen utensils for something else.

Variety of kitchen knives

When going to buy a knife, you must first decide for what purposes it is needed. Among the range of Japanese knives for the kitchen, you can find the following main types: vegetable, for meat, for peeling fruits and vegetables. But that’s not all. In the product catalogs you can find Japanese knives such as Santoku, Deba, Yanagi and others.

Many experts recommend buying  a kitchen knife  depending on the type of work that the owner is supposed to do. In the assortment, you can also find universal knives that can cope with various tasks and even save space in the kitchen cabinet. For users, it is recommended to buy at least three knives that cannot be replaced by anything: a small vegetable knife, a large one for a chef, and a medium one – a universal one.

If you consider popular Japanese knives, you will notice that they are made of steel and can have several layers. Depending on their number, it can be noted that single-layer knives are considered the most budget-friendly. This type of knives has excellent sharpness and practicality, but users will have to sharpen them very often. If you buy three-layer knives, you can be sure that sharpening may not be required for a whole year, and all because it is the middle layer that consists of the hardest steel. Thanks to this design, the knife will be protected from breaks and damage, regardless of the frequency of its use.

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Knives made of Damascus steel are the most expensive and high-quality products. They are not only extremely sharp and have a long service life, but also have a beautiful pattern applied to them.

But, it is not only the blade that you need to pay attention to. Before buying, it is recommended to also look at the material from which the handle is made. Among the popular ones are: wood, metal, micart or the innovative ECO-WOOD material.

Thanks to all these recommendations, each buyer will be able to easily choose a truly high-quality and durable product for themselves.  You can order a knife  from Tojiro.

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