What is a cable organizer for and its types

Various wires, cables, patch cords can close the space, necessary indicators, create confusion. To organize all this, one of the types of equipment was created –  a cable organizer . It is a metal panel that is placed in a cabinet or a special rack, and is necessary for organizing wires. The main one is the chassis and there are additional parts – rings, brackets, comb.

This device performs a number of functions:

  • the cable bending does not exceed the norm, so there are no kinks or loops;
  • more free space remains due to the economical laying of cables and other elements;
  • the network has a neat appearance, equipment maintenance is improved;
  • The load on the switching points is reduced as the weight of the wires is adjusted.

This organizer makes work in large networks easier. It is easy to install, as it is made in the form of a stand.

Types of this design

This product is divided into several types, among which you can choose the most suitable one for yourself. Thus, organizers are distinguished:

  • vertical ones are located along vertical guides. The length of such a device is equal to the height of the rack;
  • horizontal ones are installed in the slot of the communication cabinet using M6 fasteners;
  • structures that allow the cable to be laid in a bundle. They are made of PVC and have a spiral shape;
  • Self-contained rings or clamps are designed to secure a number of wires and are used in a variety of places.

Cable organizers are made from various materials. Most designs are metal. They are made of steel and covered with polymer plastic. There are models where the chassis is made of metal and the holders are plastic. Models can also be completely plastic. The “Ring” and other compact designs are made of plastic and metal. They differ in price.

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What to look for when buying an organizer?

If you are planning to buy  a cable management system , you should consider where it will be located. The number of cable routes is also important.

In most cases, one organizer is needed for two units of equipment. But if there are a lot of wires, then one design should be purchased for one unit. Designs come with a different number of fixing elements (there are 5 and 6). Closed-type organizers are also known (they are closed with a lid). Special holes are made for cable output, which protect the wires well, but are more expensive than open ones.

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