What is PoE technology?

Most of the quiet, who bought video surveillance cameras with IP technology, until the end did not understand, there is the necessary “vita pair” cable (https://control.ua/komplektuyushchie/kabel/vitaya-para/). Necessary cable in order to connect PoE technology, which will simplify the installation process.

This technology is used by the one who, behind the help of a single cable, can simultaneously transmit the life of that tribute, taken by the owners. Tse means that it is not necessary to connect a large number of wires, which is especially important in renting premises, or simply to achieve a highly efficient security.

Why is POE technology special?

The main advantage of the technology lies in the fact that one set of wires for serving food and for transmitting information is used for robots. It is important to reduce the costs for the installation of the end system, as well as to save money on the purchase of power cables. For example, a LAN cable with a single 4-port switch can operate for one hour with two or more remote non-jaw points.

Tse maє on uvazi, scho vinikaє vіdrazu 5 independent dzherel zhivlennya - 5 sockets for 220V and power wire. At the same time, it is possible to connect to folding for a classic socket mіsts - zovn_shnya ogorozha budіvlі, yes, parkan too thin. Laying a power cable at this point will be as smooth as possible and not safe. The installation of a power cable in such places should comply with the rules of fire and electrical safety. I don’t even talk about additional staining on the materials that were installed.

The PoE technology is designed to significantly improve the quality of the project - you can stop the technology for the laying of a new line, or for the hour of modification of the main one. In most cases, the installation of a fence will require the installation of an active end-of-life device in quiet places, where the electrical wiring is just daily. Wi-Fi and PoE technology will provide a point in the areas of the ideal receiving signal, and the camera can be installed in any places to reach the ideal receiving signal.

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Key benefits of PoE technology

  • It is possible to transmit the necessary amount of life and information for the help of a single cable mesh.
  • Minimize the cost of installing the system, modernizing and servicing.
  • Increased operational safety - in fact, a short flicker is turned off, an increase in the surge, or a drop in voltage.
  • I just need to spread my mind in the most foldable minds, for example, to use the airport or on a daily basis.
  • Centralized control over objects of a remote type.

All advantages are due to the fact that PoE technology is the optimal choice. Even a single “twisted pair” cable is enough to connect the device. And the most important thing is to save money with innovative technologies.

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