We download the press correctly: useful tips

We download the press correctly: useful tips

To pump up the perfect press, you do not need to bend and unbend ad infinitum - the main thing is to perform the set of training correctly. A full sit-up fold, like in PE, works on the obliques and rectus abdominis, but it also stresses the back and doesn't always produce ideal results. We will tell you how to pump up the press and what is needed for this.

General recommendations

To get a relief press, you need:

  1. Reduce the fat layer - otherwise the cubes will be hidden under a soft, rounded belly. The indicator of body fat is individual, on average it should be no more than 9-15% in order for a beautiful press to show through.
  2. Watch your posture - constant sitting in an unhealthy position leads to weakening of the abdominal muscles, body weight presses on the lumbar zone. If you understand that your posture has long been a mess, love the plank, and even better, learn to do yoga.
  3. Strengthen your core muscles – this includes a wide range of muscle groups, including the transverse, oblique, diaphragm, psoas, internal abdominals, and so on. To make the figure beautiful, you need to work out all parts of the body.
  4. Do the exercises correctly - it’s not enough just to pump the press, you need a competent approach. Next, we will tell you how to do the bar correctly and other approaches.
  5. Alternate static and dynamic - combined slow and fast loads give the best results. The abdominal muscles are slow fibers, they are aimed at holding the body in a certain position, and not fast lifting of loads. Therefore, simply bending and unbending is not effective enough, it is better to hold a certain position for 30 seconds or more.

If you do not know how to pump up the press quickly, follow these recommendations, and the results will not be long in coming.

Why Diet Matters

No amount of helpful advice on how to pump up the press at home will not help with the wrong diet. A diet rich in junk food, fats, fast carbohydrates will lead to the fact that a flat stomach will remain a dream. No need to sit on strict diets - you should adjust the diet, give up food hazards, stop eating in the evenings.

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Effective Exercises

If you want to know how to quickly pump up the press, replace the usual crease with the exercises below. You will have to do a few repetitions, and the abdominal muscles will receive the maximum load.

By bicycle

By bicycle

Lie on your back on the floor, put your hands behind your head, and start lifting your legs off the floor. Pull your knee to the opposite elbow, do not lower your legs to the floor until the end of the approach. If you lower it, the load will decrease and, accordingly, the effectiveness of training.

Chair lifts

Chair lifts

Your task is to hang on the boxes or the captain's chair, lower your shoulders. Begin to pull your knees as close to your chest as possible, tilt your pelvis back so that the person who is opposite (real or imaginary) can see the whole buttocks. Come back, repeat. This is a great lower abs exercise.



On the fitball, you can do twists that will help pump the abdominal muscles. Lie back on the ball, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. You can keep your hands straight in front of you, clean behind your head - as it is more convenient. Move your pelvis up, squeeze your buttocks. This will prevent unnecessary movement of the hips, and the entire load will go to the press.

Crunches with raised legs

Crunches with raised legs

Lie on your back, raise your legs until you get a right angle in the hip joint. You can bend your knees a little. Without pressure with your hands on your head, begin to twist as you exhale. Do not put your feet on the floor until the end of the exercise.

Lying back twist

Lying back twist

Lie on the floor on your back, put your hands under the pelvis for convenience (the position of the palms is not important, the main thing is that you feel comfortable). Tear off the pelvis from the floor, then return it to its place. The tension in the abdominal muscles must be maintained until the completion of the exercise. Make sure that the area is as stressed as possible. By shifting part of the load on your arms and legs, you lose a lot in terms of training efficiency.

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Rolled and plain plank

Rolled and plain plank

Plank, despite its apparent simplicity, perfectly trains the press. The point is to keep your back, legs straight as long as possible. You need to stand with an emphasis on your elbows. You can complicate the task and combine the bar with the roller. Get on your knees, take the handles in both hands, push forward, roll forward and come back.

In no case should you bend your lower back, keep your press tense, move in the range that the muscles are theoretically capable of. If you do not break the technique, the bar with a roller is not only effective, but also safe.

And what else?

To make exercises on the press as effective as possible, the following recommendations will help:

  • Tighten your abs as hard as you can before training. For example, imagine that they want to punch you in the stomach.
  • Take your time - focus on feeling the constant tension in your body.
  • Do not use inertia - swinging when working with the press is harmful. Do repetitions smoothly, controlling tension.
  • Do not help yourself with your hands, do not press your neck.
  • Practice at least every other day, and every one is better.

Oblique and rectus muscles are hardy, recover quickly. You can download the press every day, getting a lot of benefit from it. There is no need to constantly do all the exercises from the list, it is convenient to alternate them. You can paint the complex for a week ahead by day, for each, select 2-3 different exercises. If you go to the gym, ask the coach to give recommendations specifically for you, taking into account your goals, physical fitness. Some trainees set real sports records, but keep in mind that this may not be safe, you can achieve successful results even with more metered loads.

How much can you pump up the press, will depend on your diligence, the intensity of training. It is advisable to do it at least every other day, not forgetting about training other muscle groups. The body should be harmonious and comprehensively developed.

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