Earn money online on youtube

Earn money online on youtube

The methodology for making money on the Internet on YouTube can, if you work hard, be found in the public domain. Not a prerequisite for training is the payment of money for the course.
YouTube is owned by Google, which itself sets an example of making money on its resource by paying for popular videos. Interruption in any (or most) videos shows advertising that is paid. Google itself indicates the path to follow.
A good example of earning (although, of course, not everyone will be able to earn this way) is amateur sites that either collect strange video products from YouTube or critical reviews of recently released movies. Starting with a few hundred subscribers, such sites already exceed a million in number. Naturally, advertisers or sponsors will be interested in such channels and will invest money in such a product.

How to make money on YouTube individually

YouTube is a potential income on the Internet without investment. A video school that teaches how to make money on YouTube with the help of other people's videos can teach you a lot. For example, how to make money on someone else's video without violating copyright. You can use other people's videos, while knowing the correct methods of promotion.
Posting YouTube videos on the “right” blog gives a good boost to the account as a whole. And this means:

1. rapid growth in the popularity of the service;
2. Immediate income growth if you conclude an agreement with YouTube that the account participates in the affiliate program.

First you need to create an account on adsense.google.com or a blog on blogger.com. You need to write some good articles. If it doesn't work on your own, order it. After that, the accounts are linked together, and a YouTube entry is created at the same time using a Google account to sign in. Then traffic is obtained for this site, usually it is copied with the appropriate content and the necessary tags are prescribed.

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Traffic can be found not only from YouTube, but also from Google. The system sorts so that the latest video automatically gets to the first positions of the search results on request.

The effect, of course, is achieved by increasing the volume, when a large number of videos are uploaded, the necessary tags, category and link to the site are prescribed. This process is done with the help of special programs, information about which can be found in the same place as the lessons on learning to make money on the Internet using YouTube.

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