And your phone when sinking? The situation is even more unacceptable if, through carelessness, the attachment gets wet and because of the great vіrіgіdnіstі after that electrician, the smartphone will nip and wine will no longer get wet. However, it's better for budget phones. iPhone 13 pro, for example, maє system zahistu vіd vologi. What are the peculiarities of this function and how much is out of the question, we will talk in this article. Remember that for the safety of your phone it is important to bring yoga to the wrong place, like apple room.
What do you know about the iPhone 13 pro vologosakhist?
Few people know that the first time you tried in the iPhone, the protection of the vіd vologs was proponated in version 6s. There were vikoristani songs and sealants and sealants, as far as possible at that time.
Protépovnotsіnno zakhist vіd vologi z'yavivsya in somіy verії IPhone. Rozrobniki said that the phone vitrimaє pіv years at a depth of up to one meter.
And starting with the iPhone XS and the newer versions, the phones could go down to a depth of two meters.
Eleven generations of telephones are no longer enough to protect the attachments from the chaotic meter deep. And from the revolutionary iPhone 13, painting the display up to 6 meters deep.
With skin rock, like a zakhistu vіd vologa became more and more beautiful. Invariably, there were only those that the guarantee did not work on the drowned telephones. The problem lies in the fact that the service center is not a building appraisal, on such a very clay there are attachments and how many hours it took, the first time it became grief.
Vlasne kazhuchi, zavdyaki tsіy osoblivosti, scho spelled out in the contracts under the guarantee, Apple saved a great amount of pennies. I did not replace the flooded telephones, which, as a rule, do not require repairs.
To go out, on one side, there is a defense of vіd vologii, but on the other side, there is nothing.
How do the engineers of iPhone revise the degree of water protection of the building?
In order to do this, at the laboratory they could add a new category of protection, carefully lower it onto the necessary depth and correctly remove it from the water. The experiment is carried out at room temperature and medium humidity. І water, in the yak lower the attachments, є the freshest without houses.
Tobto telephones are distorted in quiet minds, in which stench one should not stumble. In practice, a smartphone can fall into a mile of water. For example, at the bath or in the sea.
That one spends wine at the homeland and gets away from it even more quickly. Through this day, the pressure of the water on the attachment increases
The very different miyuchі zasobi, khіmіya and rіzkі zmіni vise even more negatively infuse on the strengthening pads of the phone. Because of that, I’m afraid that I can stick it on iPhone in one emergency situation, which will be posed by ideal laboratory minds.
Tobto in the first such moment, I am alive. Ale tisk and grease seal the pads and next time the stench won’t lie.
Strengthening gaskets are vibrated with gum and silicone. And these materials are definitely not eternal and can be damaged as a result of contact with rich speeches.
These pads can be worn in roses for charging, dynamics and sim cards. Tobto the stench protect us, open it, in yakі in the first black of the homeland.
Navigate like a phone without sinking, gaskets can still be zipped. For example, get out of your own positions, get stuck and dry.
So you can swim with iPhone 13?
Revіryat vologostіykіstі and swim with your phone is not varto. Tsey zahist is not for divers. Gaskets will help in times of unfortunate weather, but will not protect the skin once.