False accusations of competitors against Pin-Up

The situation is extremely unacceptable for our company, as Igor Zotko (Chief Operations Director) told his great interview. Leadership can not only be good sides and the team Casino Pin Up ce razumіє. If competitors can not promote the product better or on equal terms, the stink goes to the common methods of doing business and the adoption of competitors.

Igor Zotko

So go manipulatsii gromadskoy dumkoy. Pin-Up sounds in robots from Russia and tsim to bring together people. Igor also said baldly that a lot of competing companies were trying to stop them, because all of them consider such methods of using competitors unacceptable. I pay money to the first country in the country, which affects the online gambling market negatively. Pin-Up Casino is taking legal action against all attacks in their direction. However, in the big world, the vipadis of competitors do not give respect. Most of all, our army and the population of the country helped our army, and it’s not even PR and super girls. All are guilty but are viable and help one another at the bottom of the enemy.

Illegal casinos resort to dishonest methods of work on the gambling market

Another not less important topic for romovi is illegal business. Vіn іsnuє, i tse cannot be ignored. Illegal companies are responsible for understanding for themselves that their development is not possible without a legally registered company. The first state is guilty of encouraging and wanting to work legally. We look at the reformation of the sphere of gambling. Only in this way can one fight against dishonest methods of inciting illegal immigrants to the market.

Pin-Up constantly shows in its own application that the work is legal, successful and lucrative, and insanely supports the economy of the country. The gallery of gambling games is steadily developing, and for legal casinos it is necessary to enter the new level of work with the product. Only if you are equal in your mind, you can talk about healthy and fair competition.

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Igor Zotko COO Pin Up about plans for the future

Igor Zotko rozpovіv, scho plans for future wines in all companies however. Do everything to win over Ukraine, help the military, the population, the state. That expand, improve your business. High technologies to help you. Products Pin-Up still chime in to wrestle coristuvachiv, even if the team is looking for new products on the world market. І hugely promoting the supply of legal business and reforming the sphere of online gambling will be one of the priorities.

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